Book the venue
Studio 188 is available for hire for a range of productions, events, functions, film screenings, music recording and performances. Formerly the art-deco Old Baptist Church, the space provides a vibrant arts complex that serves as a multi-purpose arts and cultural centre for community and cultural activities.
Click here to book the venue.
Ticket Office – (07) 3810 6100
Venue and Performance Enquiries – (07) 3810 6100
Technical Services – (07) 3810 7767EMAIL
[email protected]VENUE LOCATION
188 Brisbane Street
Ipswich Queensland 4305Postal Address
PO Box 191
Ipswich Queensland 4305Monday – Friday 8. 30 am to 4.30 pm
Studio 188 and Ipswich City Council are collecting your personal information so that we can respond to and action your enquiry. We will not disclose your personal information outside of council unless we are required by law or you have given your consent. By completing and signing this form and returning it to council, we will consider that you have given us your consent to manage your personal information in the manner described in council’s Privacy Statement, Personal Information Digest and this collection notice.