Agro Up Late
Friday 22 July 2022
7.30 pm
Tickets - $50.00 ea
VIP - $100.00 ea
We regret to inform you that AGRO Up Late scheduled for Friday 22 July 2022 has been cancelled due to illness. Please see below a message from Jamie Dunn and his promoter:
“Due to a medical condition that requires immediate treatment, Jamie Dunn is having to postpone his upcoming AGRO Up Late performance on July 22. Ticket holders will be issues a refund, and will be notified when the show can be rescheduled. Jamie says: “I am so sorry, nothing is wrong with AGRO, it’s something wrong with me. Because of diabetes, the bones in my right foot are slowly dissolving and I am required to go in to surgery for them to do a clean, and take what they need so, unless you want to come along to see a one-legged puppet, I want to apologise, there’s nothing I can do about it but the shows are off for now”.
We are in the process of arranging full refunds for all tickets purchased. No action is required from ticket purchasers.
Presented by AAA Entertainment Pty Ltd
Grab your Samboy Chips, Troll Dolls, Tazo’s and your favourite Goosebumps book – Australia’s most iconic puppet is back, and he is naughtier than ever!
After 30 years in the business, Agro and “the bald man under the table”, Jamie Dunn are back together and live on stage!
Hosted by Big Brother’s Ben from Brisbane, get ready to stroll down memory lane and hear the naughtiest and funniest Aussie showbiz stories behind an accidental puppet that became an Aussie icon.
Info for VIP Ticket Holders
Your VIP ticket includes a signed copy of Jamie Dunn’s biography, and a meet and greet opportunity with Jamie and Agro after the show!
The meet and greet will take place immediately after the performance where you will also be given your autographed book.
At the end of the show, we ask all VIP ticket holders to remain in your seat whilst the rest of the audience clears.
Each group will then be invited for a polaroid photo opportunity with Jamie Dunn & Agro.
This will be provided to you on the night at no extra charge.